Charitable Gift Giving

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Entries Tagged as 'Birth Defects'

Cheese of the Month Club that Helps an Amazing Cause

April 25th, 2012 · No Comments · Birth Defects

Since around the time the movie “Sideways” came out in 2004, it seems that wine tasting has been all the rage. The “cool” thing to do is to build yourself a wine cellar, buy a couple bottles of expensive wine, and show off your knowledge of the subtleties of a pinot vs. a merlot (or […]



JP Lizzy Designer Diaper Bag that Helps the March of Dimes

November 3rd, 2007 · No Comments · Amazon, Birth Defects, March of Dimes

In 1938, the March of Dimes was founded to fight the devastating disease of childhood polio. In 1955, the charity achieved what all charities hope to achieve but few charities do: to make itself unnecessary. When Dr. Jonas Salk introduced the vaccine to polio, largely funded by efforts from the March of Dimes, polio in […]

