If you’re an Apple fan, you probably know by now that the new iPhone 5s launches today! I’ve been stuck with my 4s for years, so I’m one of those who jumped at the chance to upgrade. The iPhone 5s comes in three gorgeous colors: “Space Grey” (their fancy word for “black”), Silver, and Gold. […]
Entries Tagged as 'Apple'
Getting an iPhone 5s? Give a little more to (PRODUCT) RED
September 20th, 2013 · No Comments · (PRODUCT) Red, Apple
Beyonce's cover of God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood
July 3rd, 2011 · No Comments · Apple
Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” has become a modern day national anthem of sorts. It’s a great tune with really meaningful lyrics, but admittedly, there are times when I would like a gentler, more subtle rendition than the one Mr. Greenwood usually gives. Enter Beyoncé, of all people, to fulfill my wish. She recently […]
We Are the World 2010 to support Haiti relief
February 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Apple, Developing Areas
Back in 1985, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie wrote “We Are the World”, performed by a group of the top celebrities and pop stars under the name USA for Africa. It was eventually named the biggest-selling single of all time and ended up raising about $100 million for relief of famine and disease to 18 […]
Hope for Haiti Now Album Downloads
January 25th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Apple, Developing Areas
Chances are last Friday you turned on the TV and saw the telethon for Haiti with a star-studded cast coming together to raise money for Haiti. So far, they’ve raised $57 million and counting. Huge stars from every musical genre were on hand to lend their support. You can help the cause by purchasing the […]
Cheap Ipod which Fights AIDs in Africa
December 10th, 2008 · No Comments · Apple
The Apple iPod shuffle (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition, 1GB is affordably priced at only $49 so it makes a great stocking stuffer. It holds up to 500 songs and conveniently clips onto clothes, making it easy to wear when doing household chores or working out. And it comes in a beautiful red color. But more […]
Pink headphones to use in your iPod
October 19th, 2008 · No Comments · Apple, Breast Cancer
Everywhere you go, you seem to see people with white iPod headphones. Stand out with these AirDrives Pink Ribbon Challenge Earphones. It’s sold at the Apple Store, so you know it’s compatible with your iPod.Unlike regular iPod headphones, the headphones are designed in a way that lets you hear clearly around you while also enjoying […]
The perfect Valentine's Day Gift for Guys – The Product(RED) iPod
February 8th, 2008 · No Comments · (PRODUCT) Red, AIDS, Apple
It can be somewhat of a challenge to find a Valentine’s Day gift for a guy. While guys can shop for flowers, roses, jewelry, and spa baskets, ladies often have a harder time finding something to give in return. Your search has ended. Here is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a guy. The Apple […]
Red ipod for AIDS research – iPod (Product) RED
November 5th, 2007 · 2 Comments · AIDS, Apple, Global Fund
Apple Inc. never ceases to amaze me. I’ve been a very fanatical customer of theirs since I owned an Apple //e in the early 1980’s. I was the proud owner of a Mac SE/30 in the early 1990’s, and a Powerbook in the late 1990’s. I remember when everyone left them for dead, and then […]