The sad thing about presidential campaigns is that they usually leave the candidates as caricatures of who they really are, after having been demeaned and excoriated by the media and the opposition. I recall sadly Admiral James Stockdale, one of the bravest and finest men who served his country reduced to the butt of jokes after being picked as a Vice Presidental candidate in 1992.
John McCain was a presidential candidate in 2008, and sure enough history repeated itself. This is a man who suffered unspeakable torture for his country and served his country his whole life. He deserved better than to be ripped apart by Democrats and Republicans alike, not to mention the press.
This is why, this Memorial Day, I’m pleased to recommend this gift for purchase for a young person in your life. It’s My Dad, John McCain, a children’s book about McCain’s life written by his own daugher Meghan. And even though the book is a picture book for children, it’s a great insight into the life of this man, from growing up the child of two admirals in the Navy, to his naval career and life as a POW in Vietnam, to his political career.
The book obviously paints a nice picture of McCain (literally–Dan Andreasen painted color-and-sepia-tone art for the book), but in a world where heroes are harder and harder to find, maybe that’s not such a bad thing for someone learning to read in Grades 2-4.
The publisher is donating a portion of proceeds to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, one of the best-run charities in the country which benefits families of fallen military.
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