If you’re an Apple fan, you probably know by now that the new iPhone 5s launches today! I’ve been stuck with my 4s for years, so I’m one of those who jumped at the chance to upgrade.
The iPhone 5s comes in three gorgeous colors: “Space Grey” (their fancy word for “black”), Silver, and Gold.
In order to protect the beautiful metallic finish from the inevitable dings and scratches, they’ve also introduced form-fitting cases with leather exteriors and microfiber interiors. The irony, of course, is that the case itself completely covers the very thing that it’s trying to protect.
Happily, the cases themselves are pretty attractive as well, and come in six colors: yellow, tan, blue, brown, black…
…and my personal favorite, PRODUCT (RED).
As with all PRODUCT (RED) products, a portion of proceeds of sales of this cover will go to help the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. You can read more about Apple’s different PRODUCT (RED) products here: http://www.apple.com/product-red/
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