Looking for how to stop junk mail coming to your mailbox? Here’s a very cool new idea from a new organization called Greendimes.
I’m sure it’s happened to you. You order from one mail order or Internet company. Then, suddenly you get another catalog in the mail. Pretty soon your mail is filled with all kinds of catalogs and offers.
Why does this happen? Because when you buy from most retailers, they take your name and address and sell it to brokers who compile lists of names, who sell it right back to other companies to market to you.
For a one-time fee of only $20, GreenDimes will get your name off of dozens of these junk mail lists. It will reduce the amount of junk mail you get to your home by upwards of 90%!
I like a couple things about GreenDimes. First, unlike a lot of similar companies, they are completely legitimate. A lot of companies that claim to stop junk mail, believe it or not, will actually resell your information! But GreenDimes has been highlighted by CNN, the New York Times, ABC, Business Week, Women’s Day, and the Ellen Show.
The second thing I like is that not only do they stop the needless waste of extra paper in your mailbox that ends up in a landfill somewhere, they go the extra mile. For every catalog they stop, they plant a tree. Specifically, part of your payment will go to non-profit tree-planting partners: American Forests, Sustainable Harvest International and Trees for the Future to plant trees in India, Haiti, Senegal, throughout Central America and in the U.S.
It’s a great idea that helps you and helps the world!
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