Charitable Gift Giving

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Key Necklace that Helps People Transitioning Out of Homelessness

January 14th, 2022 · No Comments · Uncategorized

The Giving Keys is company based on an amazing idea. Here’s how it works.

First, you purchase a beautiful piece of jewelry from them. As you can probably tell by their name their signature design is a charm shaped like a key. They have keys in the classic familiar shapes you’ve used all your life for your front door, your garage door, your cabinets, your office. They also have classic shapes like crosses or pendants.

On each piece they’ll imprint a word, like BELIEVE, CREATE, DREAM, FAITH, FEARLESS, HOPE, INSPIRE, LET GO, LOVE, STRENGTH or any custom word you’d like.

The idea is to buy a key with “your word”. If you’re in a dark period of your life, maybe your word will be “FAITH” or “HOPE”. If you’ve gone through a bad breakup, maybe that word is “LET GO”. If you’re going through a time of bad health, the word might be “STRENGTH”. And so on.

When I was going through tough times emotionally my sister turned me on to Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). In a nutshell, CBT is all about recognizing that certain ways of thinking are faulty or unhealthy and certain patterns of learned behavior can result in a downward spiral. Part of the work that a patient and a therapist do is to recognize those patterns and stop them before they grow out of control.

What I love about these necklaces is that they can serve as a constant reminder to you to break out of those patterns. If you’re feeling hopeless, or fearful, or faithless, or devoid of love, just glance down at the word around your neck and remember that yes, there is hope, there is nothing to fear, there is someone watching over you, and your life is more filled with love than you realize–love you’re getting and love you can give.

A necklace cannot “cure” you, of course. But it can be part of a healthy reminder to keep perspective, and once you’ve persevered, to pass that perspective to others.


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