Each year around this time, a lot of companies come up with the darndest ideas for pink products to benefit breast cancer awareness and research. This certainly falls amongst the oddest, and yet the most useful and innovative.It’s a drinking fountain for cats. If you’ve had a cat, you know their drinking bowl can get filled with gunk very quickly. Of course, kitty won’t drink gunky water, and so he or she ends up going to a source for fresh water, like the kitchen sink or the toilet.This unit filters and aerates water, and keeps it continually moving, and cats love running water.This is not just a silly little luxury for cats–a veterinarian invented the fountain for one important reason. Many cats do not drink the amount of water they should. This fountain encourages proper hydration in healthy cats, and is especially helpful for cats with a risk of kidney or urinary tract disease.The fountain holds six cups of water, a charcoal filter absorbs tastes and odors, and the falling stream adds oxygen and is more appealing to cats. It doesn’t require connection to a water line, and keeps cats from jumping into the kitchen sink or the toilet!And yes, it’s pink and a portion of proceeds benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Pet Drinking Fountain that Benefits Breast Cancer Research
October 29th, 2008 · No Comments · Amazon, Breast Cancer
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