This is a great stuffed animal that is as well-made as it is educational. ‘Telinho’ the White-Whiskered Spider Monkey
represents an actual species of monkey who lives in Cristalino State Park in the Brazilian Amazon. Origins has created this very detailed plush animal which makes both a great gift and teaches a fantastic lesson on conservation and taking care of the environment.
White-whiskered spider monkeys are amazing acrobats, swinging from tree to tree and rarely coming down to the ground. They have powerful tails, and feed, play and social with other monkeys in their groups.
Sadly, the forests where spider monkeys live are being ravaged by cattle ranching and illegal logging, so there are only a few thousand remaining on the earth. Local citizens of Brazil are working diligently to protect these vital natural areas, but they need our help.
By buying Telinho, you can do a part to save the white-whiskered spider monkeys and other wildlife in Brazilian forests. Origins will donate $3 from every Telinho sold to UK Charity Fauna & Flora International and its partner the Cristalino Ecological Foundation. Perhaps more importantly, you can tell kids and grown-ups alike the story of Telinho and inspire them to join in the struggle to save the forests.
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