Well, the last two posts have been on somewhat controversial topics, and so I thought I’d dedicate this post to something as non-controversial as you can get:
Each year the Guided Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs holds a bike tour. I posted in 2009 how my then-girlfriend (and now-fiance) Lisa rode the 10 mile bike tour only a few months after a liver transplant. Thank God, she’s doing well these days, and she, her brother and I will be riding in the 30 mile bike ride. I’m terribly out-of-shape and I’m getting to the age where it takes me a lot longer to recover from these kinds of things, but hopefully this will help me lose enough weight to fit into my tux, which I’ll be wearing at my wedding a month later. 🙂
The Guided Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs are an amazing, amazing organization that trains dogs from the time they’re puppies to become service dogs. If you look at these dogs when they’re puppies they’re like any other happy-go-lucky puppy…they scamper around and flop on each other and then fall asleep. But it’s nothing short of amazing to see what these dogs grow up to be. They give sight to the visually impaired, they are the arms and legs of the disabled, and they provide much-needed companionship and undying love to those who gave their all for their country.
I usually point donations in other directions, but in this case, I hope you can donate generously to my own donation page.
My Donation Page for the Guided Dog Foundation
If hearing about the mission isn’t enough to convince you to donate, here’s something that I hope will. PICTURES OF PUPPIES!!! These are from the bike ride in 2009 when we were given a behind-the-scenes tour afterwards.
Can you hear that last little guy? He’s saying “giiiive….giiiive…” 🙂
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