08-08-08 is coming. What’s special about that date? It’s the start of the Summer Olympics in Beijing!
While sometimes the rich and famous athletes are the ones that get the spotlight, one thing I love is hearing the stories of ordinary Americans living their dream. Most of the time, there’s no money in competitive swimming, or gymnastics, or shooting, or most of the other sports. But just for the love of what they do and the dream to be the best, these athletes will overcome great odds to get to their goal. It’s heartwarming sometimes to hear of the lengths these athletes will go to in order to train and compete.
You can help them and show your support at the same time with these great red, white, and blue wristbands. Take a look at the close-up below for a detailed look. It has the official logo of the USA Team, as well as inspirational words in English, Chinese and Greek.
Like other charity wristbands, they’re made of sturdy silicone rubber, and there’s even a clip emblazoned with the words “Beijing 08-08-08”
And for each wristband purchased, $1 will be donated to Team USA all our athletes who will be representing us halfway around the world.
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