If your dog is anything like mine, he’ll happily greet you when you come home, watch you take off your shoes, and then slowly devour them like a rawhide chew toy. The Vibram K9 Chewy Shoe Dog Toy
is a tough and durable shoe-shaped toy that’s made in the USA so your buddy can finally have his own shoes to chew on. It’s made out of clean rubber which doggie can chew and chew and chew to his heart’s content and allow you to keep walking.
Vibram supports Dog Tags: “Service Dogs for Those Who’ve Served Us” and through purchases like this has donated over $72,000 to the Puppies Behind Bars program that provides service dogs to injured United States veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. $2 from the sale of each Chewy Shoe in red, white and blue is donated to this program.
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