If your Mom happens to be an empty nester, she probably could use some company from time to time.
Along with being a great companion, studies have down that pet owners have lower blood pressure, lower cholesteral levels, a lower risk for heart disease, and reduced number of visits to a doctor.
The ASPCA offers this unique opportunity for pet lovers. If your Mom or anyone special in your life would make a great pet parent, you can give them the Gift-a-Pet Certificate. (At this time, they only offer Gift-a-Pet certificates for cat and kitten adoptions.)
These certificates allow you to pay the adoption fee of a cat or kitten for the loved one in your life. The fee is $75 for an adult cat, $125 for one kitten or $150 for two kittens.
The recipient of the certificate is able to come to the ASPCA’s 92nd Street Shelter in New York (if you’re not in the New York area, treat Mom to a trip here while you’re at it). After application approval, she’ll be able to choose a cat or kitten to take home.
Pet adoption is not for everyone, of course, but for the right people there is no better gift than the gift of love.
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