Charitable Gift Giving

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Hydroflask – Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle (24 hours cold, 12 hours hot)

August 20th, 2015 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Seems that everywhere you turn these days people are giving you water bottles. I have about a dozen from various conferences, half a dozen from store openings, another half dozen from promotions, and even one from work (a cheap made-in-China bottle in lieu of a bonus last year).

More often than not these things are junk. When you think about it, they use the same plastic to make these “valuable” water bottles as they do to make the cups and containers you throw away every day. While I used to collect these thinking they’d be useful one day, nowadays more often than not I’ll just toss them.

There are two brands that I do trust, and which fall squarely into the “you get what you pay for” category. This first is Swell, which I wrote about a few years ago. The second, which I’ll write about today, is the Hydro Flask Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle. Both are double wall insulated metal bottles which unlike the bottle at work which will scald my hand if I put a tablespoon of boiling water in it, will be cool to the touch outside, keep the hot hot and the cool cool inside, and never ruin your clothes with condensation on the outside.

The Hydro Flash has a lifetime warranty and comes in nine colors. They’re great for hiking, the beach, the gym, road trips, and anywhere else you need to keep to keep things insulated for a long time. You’ll be the only one on the golf course with an ice cold beverage on the 18th hole and the only one on the ski trip with a steaming cup of soup 10 hours into your day.

Hydro Flask donates 5% back to a charity of your choice. Just go to their site, enter your serial number, select a charity, and 5% of the proceeds they got from your bottle will go to them. You can choose from Adopt-A-Classroom, the American Cancer Society, the American Red Cross, Charity: Water, Fair Trade USA, Habitat for Humanity, Kids in the Game, Leave No Trace, Special Olympics, the Surfrider Foundation, the United Way, and the World Wildlife Fund.


For what’s sure to be a very limited time, Amazon has reduced the price of the Hydro Flask from $36.99 to $29.49. Get on it quick!


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