Charitable Gift Giving

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Life-size Spaceship for Kids to Design

June 27th, 2010 · No Comments · Amazon, Children's Charities

This Shuttle Imagination kit is a great idea. It’s basically a large 6 foot tall cardboard spaceship that folds out. The walls are sturdy and plain white. Your kids basically take markers, crayons, paint, and other art supplies you may have and decorate the spaceship using their imagination. They can paint flags and markings on the outside, control panels on the inside, or whatever they can think up. Once they’ve finished decorating their spaceship, they can go on all kinds of imaginary adventures every day. The spaceship can fit 3-5 preschool age kids comfortably.

These days it seems that toy designs are so elaborate that there’s just no room for kids’ imagination anymore. But sometimes the simpler the toy, the more your kids imagination can take over and make it great.

The spaceship is made in the U.S.A. and is 100% recyclable. It’s delivered folded, but when assembled is 39″L x 34″W x 72″H. Fin attachments are 12″ in length.

Proceeds from sales of the product go to help children’s causes.


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