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Snapple Troparocka and Compassionberry Tea in stores now

May 23rd, 2010 · 62 Comments · Autism, Diabetes

If you’re having trouble finding Troparocka in your local store, you can try Amazon or eBay.

Congratulations to Bret Michaels for being the 2010 Celebrity Apprentice. Last week while walking through Manhattan, I saw the first crates of Snapple the Bret Michaels and Holly Robinson Peete created being rolled into a local Duane Reade drugstore. After tonight’s show, they’ll no doubt be flying off the shelves, so grab yours while you can. The drinks will bring awareness to the American Diabetes Association and the HollyRod Foundation to help kids with autism.

Diet Trop-A-Rocka™ Tea

Bret Michaels: “My new tea is taste bud tested and rocker approved. I chose to create a Diet Snapple because I am a lifelong type-1 diabetic and I know together we can find a cure for diabetes. And just like being a diabetic doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice having a rockin’ good time, Diet Snapple doesn’t sacrifice great taste. My Snapple-osophy is simple: awesome taste, the best ingredients and low calories. And now The Best Stuff on Earth is better for me.”

Snapple Troporocka Tea

Compassionberry™ Tea

Holly Robinson Peete: “Did you know autism is a global epidemic affecting 67 million people worldwide? The HollyRod foundation helps families in the autism community access affordable treatment and compassionate care, and our mission is what inspired my new Snapple flavor. Compassionberry Tea combines passionfruit and strawberry with The Best Stuff on Earth, making the best stuff even better…and more compassionate.”

Snapple Compassionberry Tea

So the question is…who really won based on taste? Well, as luck would have it, I commute every morning through Penn Station in New York City, and this morning there was a Snapple truck and a whole army of Snapple employees in purple T-Shirts giving away free samples.

Snapple stand at Penn Station

I took one of each and when I got home I put them in the refrigerator. They are chilled and I can give you my unbiased take. I learned all about wine tasting in a trip to Napa a few years ago, so I used the same principles to taste test the tea (swirl it to release the oxygen, sniff the bouquet, and swish).

First of all, they’re both the same color–a clear brown color, like iced tea should be. From watching the TV show, I’d forgotten that both of these were iced tea flavors–I’d assumed all along they were fruit beverages.

Compassionberry Tea: The tea definitely smelled like berries, like a fruity shampoo or soap set. The taste is definitely powerfully sweet and fruity. Curtis Stone’s influence is definitely there–the blending of the flavors is excellent, and the drink is definitely light and summery. As with any flavored ice tea, you can taste the subtle aftertaste of the tea leaves, but the very delicious fruity blend of passion fruit and strawberries on top of it makes it a delight to drink.

Troparocka Tea: I was really looking forward to trying this one. The vanilla aroma is definitely very strong, along with the smell of peaches and pears. When I tasted it, it definitely did not go down as smooth as the Compassionberry tea–can’t tell if it’s because it’s diet or because of the combination of the flavors. The overall taste was a little watery, and the aftertaste was a bit odd–the initial aftertaste is not that pleasant, but wait a few seconds you end up with a lingering kick of peach and cinnamon that’s actually quite pleasant.

The verdict? Well, it’s kind of funny, but if you were to run a blind taste test, Compassionberry would probably be the winner hands-down. But after seeing the process that Holly Robinson Peete and Bret Michaels went through to design the flavors, I think I had more of an appreciation for Michaels’ Troparocka. In fact, after my own little taste test, it’s the one I went back to and drank more of. Troparocka definitely had the more unique and intriguing taste, whereas Compassionberry tasted good probably because it was familiar and more traditional.

I enlisted my coworker Sandy, who has a much more refined palate than mine, to do a taste test. Here were her conclusions:

Compassionberry: Much too sweet. No spiciness or “edge” to it. Just a sweet, fruity drink. The sweetness is so overpowering you don’t taste the tea.

Troparocka: A little shocking at first. Definitely more flavors. The cinnamon is overpowering, and the pear and mango are very strong flavors. There’s a more lingering taste afterwards of pear and cinnamon. I prefer it; I can taste the “bitterness” of the tea that I like.

It’s funny how the drinks ultimately reflected the celebrities’ personalities. Bret Michael’s presentation and commercial also took a lot more chances while Holly Robinson Peete seemed to play it safe. At the end, Michaels won because he put it all on the line, literally, for his cause.

At the end of the day, both celebrities were winners. And of course, the most important thing is that it brought awareness to the American Diabetes Association ( and the Holly Rod Foundation for Autism ( As much as Snapple donated to them, their donation was only a drop in the bucket to curing these devastating illnesses. It’s the continuing support of you that will make the difference. Please visit their Web sites to donate and to show your appreciate to these celebrities.

If you’re having trouble finding Troparocka in your local store, you can try Amazon or eBay.


62 Comments so far ↓

  • Athena

    Bret Michaels …Creative genius, loving father and brilliant entrepreneur…Rock on Rock
    Star! I’m gonna buy Trop-a-Rocka to give beautiful Rain a diabetic free life!

  • doug & mars

    awsome stuff
    thank you Bret & Holly

  • Dan

    That’s the best stuff Eva 😉

  • Kim

    GO BRET-I’m in love…. 🙂
    What a guy…

  • Valery Lyman

    Just can’t wait to get some of that Troparocka!

  • Uneekdolldesigns

    Just went out and bought some today- I thought the compassionberry flavor was pretty tasty- The tropa-rocka was good too, a bit on the sweet side for me, but I like the fact the calories are a lot less. Over all, I would recommend both flavors!

  • Andrea

    There wasn’t any TropaRocka or Compassionberry Tea at any of the stores I went to today in Richmond, VA. So I traveled to my local Kroger store and ordered an entire case of TropaRocka, hopefully it will come in soon. My husband, father ad I are all diabetics. Congrats to Bret!

  • froglove

    Can’t wait to try both flavors. I love both presentations

  • Zenally

    Bret, I don’t drink diet drinks, but I’m willing to learn since you made it. I love me some Bret Michaels!!! You gorgeous man you.

  • Adin A

    anybody that has tried some, where did you buy it? I live in NYC and went to a feew places in queens where I live and couldn’t find it. Someone find it in the city perhaps?

  • Mayu

    I have to admit, I was rooting for Bret from the get go. (I’m a big fan…) but I had to taste both flavors to see which one I liked… I personally liked Compassionberry, but LOVED Troparocka.

    I don’t understand why the Trumps were questioning the choice of using diet. Diet is actually more sellable than regular in this day and age. More people are sugar concious, and more people count calories than ever before. Great tasting diet flavors will usually fly off the shelves faster than regular.

    My mom doesn’t drink anything but diet because of diabetes, and I drink all diet as a dieter and borderline diabetic.

  • Jim

    They haven’t made it to the West coast yet,but we’re checking every day!

  • nik

    i live in the bay area here in california…wondering where can i purchased these 2 new flavors of snapple troparocka and compassionberry??? pls advise? thanks!


  • kmt

    Funny. I went into this thinking Bret was a vapid rocker. I came out of this thinking that he was a creative genius. And that Holly was a self-indulgent, self-centered brat… She cheated Bret out of the passionberry flavor. She cheated her way to the finale. She was incredibly disrespectful to Cindy Lauper and Sharon Osbourne, two woman who are incredibly savvy businesswoman and who at one time fought gender barriers to make it possible for Holly and women of her generation to have equal treatment in the corporate world.

    If Bret had his initial blend – passionberry, cinnamon and vanilla, he would have rocked her. But he was a truly nice guy. And Curtis and Holly took advantage of that. I will never be able to look at Curtis Stone without thinking of the sneer on his face and how he gloated that he cheated Bret and muttered “sucker” while walking out the door after he used his “friendship” to get Bret to give up the passionberry flavor. And why? To let Bret know he cheated him? Was it really necessary to add insult to injury? Hey Curtis, does the name Judas ring any bells?

    And Trump really does seem to believe that nice guys don’t (or shouldn’t) finish last. With the exception of one apprentice (won’t name names but “this is is not the apprenti” should ring a bell) he really does seem to invariably chose the one who got to the finals in the fairest way… Funny, but I not only came out of this respecting Bret Michaels much more than I ever would have before, but I actually came out of it with a new respect for “the Donald”.

  • steve

    I totally agree. Granted, when they edit these reality shows the characters become caricatures of who they really are (I don’t think Holly Robinson Peete is nasty at all in real life, but for the sake of the show they had to selectively edit them to make her appear so). But after Bret Michael’s very public illness and then those adorable scenes with his daughter, I gotta believe he’s the real deal character-wise. Funny what TV can do–he was a rock star in decline until now, but his career just got a huge boost and he has new fans that a few months ago never heard his music.

    It was kind of silly for them to make the celebrities “fight” for their flavors. After tasting both flavors, I agree that Troparocka would have been incredible with Passionfruit, and Compassionberry would have been incredible with vanilla. I guess it made for better television, but they really cheated the public out of two much better flavors.

    At the end of the day, great PR for Trump, Snapple, and Bret Michaels. For the rest of the celebrities, maybe not so much, although kudos to all of them for going through the grueling weeks and supporting their charities.

  • Toulip Fontana

    I am so glad that Bret Michaels won. Holly was just unpleasant. I’m glad that her charity for Autism did receive a lot of money. I just didn’t like how she played the game. It was entirely about attacking people and always saying little digs. Especially about poor Cyndi Lauper. So all in all, the best person won. Tasty drink too. 🙂


    OMG I can’t find it anywhere in Maine.. I wanna try some of Bret Michaels Delicious Tea too.. What a great advocate he is for type 1 DM…. GO Bret!

  • steve

    For those of you looking for where to buy Compassionberry and Troparocka in your area, Snapple has set up this site.

    Good luck!

  • Itsme

    I firmly believe Trop-a-rocka should stay on the store shelves. It’s really really good. I really can’t believe it’s diet. The aftertaste of Mango, Peach and Vanilla leave your mouth feeling cool. But Compassionberry left you mouth dry.

  • Amy

    Troparocka taste great and the 16oz bottle is only 10 calories. Good job!

  • John

    Shopper’s Food Warehouse has them in Northern VA

  • Rhonda

    I love troparocka and I never drink Diet drinks. I LOVE it and can’t tell that it is Diet! Way to go Bret Michaels!

  • Fran in TN

    Both flavors are outstanding! The Trop*A*Rocka did not leave me with any bitter after taste. I mostly tasted the cinnamon, which I love. It was very refreshing and a delightful change for dieters and diabetics alike. The Compassionberry was a very flavorful blend of light fruits and spices. Both of these left me with one thought, “I WANT MORE!” Snapple, please do not discontinue these flavors as they are two of the best I have ever tasted and will buy many for as long as possible. Way to go Bret!!!

  • laura

    Hands down,I loved Troparocka better.I was so excited to see both in the stores but I however was more into trying Bret’s drink.Very good.Compassionberry has a nasty aftertaste and I thought it was kinda watery.I was glad to have bought 3 cases of Troparocka and 1 of Compassionberry.My father is a diabetic and he loved it as well.Glad to see that Bret won.I was rooting for him the whole time. 🙂

  • Barbara Lemmon

    Please keep making Troparocka, absolutely delicious, I can’t find anything diet like this drink and to think it’s good for me.

    I really enjoyed the hard work Brett did and the amazing recovery, wow.

  • m.s.

    Reading these, I wonder if the preference for Troparocka is more because of the preference for Bret over Holly which is pretty childish.

    I wish Bret had used stevia instead of Aspertame which is dangerous to everyone, especially diabetics. Stevia is all natural and tastes much better with tea. All of Snapple’s diet teas are pretty nasty. Having said that, I’m glad Bret won. However, I’m not going to say his drink is better because of his health issues or because he was edited to look like a nicer person than Holly.
    I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be patronized like that; I know I wouldn’t.

  • Gwen

    As we were watching the show we were rooting for Holly but after tasting both troparocka and compassion berry. Bret really is the true winner. I know that his troparocka is the best diet drink around, it does not taste like diet. It is very delicious and smooth. Holly’s left an aftertaste in my mouth making me think her drink was a diet one. Bravo Bret you won me and my husband over.

  • Vivian

    Where can I find Trop-A-Rocka in Sacramento, California???????????

  • Kimberly

    They have them both at Wal Mart in Texas!

    I haven’t tried the Troparocka yet, but I put my Compassionberry in the freezer for about 45 minutes, and OMG! This STUFF is delicious!

    I hope they keep making them!

  • Barb

    I went looking for Troparocka. I get so tired of drinking water and diet pop. Wow – I LOVE this drink!

  • MichaelsFan

    I am still looking for Bret’s tea in Tallahassee, Fl. I’ve gone to every Winn Dixie and Walmart in town. It isn’t there. I’m going to call the distributor and hopefully get it in the stores. I want my Troparocka!!!!!!

  • Tania

    I kept looking for ingredients on line but I couldn’t find them. Some people are talking about how Trop-a-rocka, like many Snapple Iced Teas, has Aspertame in it. That is a shame! As someone mentioned above, Snapple could use Stevia, an all natural sweetner, instead. Aspertane is extremely toxic. Look up “Aspertane side effects” and you will be horrified! I am a fan of Bret Michaels and wish he had known better than to promote a dangerous drink.

  • Marilyn hourihan

    Congrats bret You are awesome and cute too I will drink
    and buy your Troparocka anything for your charilty I have one too It is Dana Farber cancer instatute You see I have Cancer and I really want to help diabetis because we all need to give and distroy all the deceases we can so every one can have a full life need troparoca
    HERE IN MENDON MA WHAT store can I find it LOVE Mar

  • Marilyn hourihan

    CONGRATS Please tell me where I can
    buy TROPAROCKA I want to help raise money
    for brets charity

  • Debbie

    I love Trop A Rocka. I like to drink diet low cal. drinks and this does not taste diet. I’m very pround that my favorite Rocker Designed it.

  • Karen

    I found them at a Walmart Superstore finally.
    Troparocka really rocks !

    I hope when Snapple completes their contract with Celebrity Apprentice, they Keep Both flavors. It is about time we got something New.

  • Emily

    I am still looking for Bret’s tea in Tallahassee, Fl. I’ve gone to every Winn Dixie and Walmart in town. It isn’t there. I’m going to call the distributor and hopefully get it in the stores. I want my Troparocka!!!!!!

  • Amy

    I found them at a Walmart Superstore finally.
    Troparocka really rocks !

    I hope when Snapple completes their contract with Celebrity Apprentice, they Keep Both flavors. It is about time we got something New.

  • Tammie

    I have never liked Snapple before, then my husband brought home a bottle of Troparocka. It is very good. I really like it. It satifies my thirst and it is not too sweet, really like that when it is hot out.

  • Nikki

    I love drinking different kinds of tea. I am actually not a big snapple drinker. After watching the apprentice and a fan of Bret, I knew I had to try the Trop A Rocka! I just loved it! All the flavors were so erotic and I couldnt help to keep drinking it. I wish this would have been invented when I had my gestational diabetes 3 years ago. I was always stuck drinking crystal light’s tea products, which after time can be a bit boring, if ya know what I mean.
    KUDOS to Bret! It tastes fabulous!

  • Mona Rene

    I bought Snapple Compassionberry at K-Mart yesterday, and Troparocka at Walmart Supercenter the day before. They are both fantastic drinks, but Troparocka wins the taste test for me. It is addictingly good. Loved the show and the outcome. Both are great causes. Thank you Snapple for your generosity.

  • Betsy Shepherd

    My husband and I did not have any idea who Bret was when he appeared on Celebrity Apprentice. I tell you this so you will understand that our interest in Trop-A-Rocka is not because we want to support our favorite rocker, but because we believe this product to be exceptional. The added bonus is we have grown to love Bret, and are praying for his health to recover and for his daughter to be okay. This is a wonderful way to help support a very important charity. My husband’s father had diabetis and our daughter-in-law has just recently been diagnosed. She will be on insulin for the rest of her life. I hope the powers that be, at Snapple, will continue to produce this product and make it a available, forever. The cause is wonderful and the product is outstanding. Thank you, Bret, and congratulations on your win. Betsy and Dan Shepherd

  • Karen

    I cant find either of these drinks anywhere here in Phoenix! Its so frustrating because I called Snapple & they told me a bunch of stores. I went to every one and not one carried it. Even in Scottsdale where Bret Michaels lives!!! What’s the deal?! I would buy cases of Troparocka if someone would sell it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  • joan

    I am a diet Snapple drinker AND a Celebrity Apprentice fan. Tried both varieties and would definitely drink Trop-a-rocka on a regular basis. BUT – CANNOT find in the stores. Radio ads say Jewel-Osco, but I’ve been to 3 in the suburban Chicago area and came up empty. I got my “taste” from a Walt’s in Tinley Park, IL. PLEASE, why is this not available anywhere? I may have to write SNAPPLE! 🙂

  • wall st girl

    I found Trop-a-Rocka at Zaytuna at 17 Battery Place in Lower Manhattan.

  • Tonia

    Please keep Trop-a-rocka snappel!


    I can not find Trop-a-Rocka Tea in the Front Royal, or Winchester,Virginia area.Does anyone know where I can buy it?Thank you!

  • JUNE


  • JUNE

    I still searching for TROP-A-ROCKA SNAPPLE !
    all the store’s i go in on the list in boston area have no idea when or if they will be getting it ..
    I was wondering if possible to order it on line directly from snapple??

  • Liz

    Trop-A-Rocka tasted much better – it was more unique of a flavor. I loved the cinnamon in it. Holly’s flavor tasted like any other Snapple tea.
    Brett definitely had the better tea – and deserved to be the winner – as Ivanka said Brett was not only there with the sympathy vote of his unfortunate recent events – he worked his way to the end and it was well deserved!

  • Bill

    TROP-A-ROCKA ROCKS!! I hope Snapple keeps it!!!

  • Michelle

    Trop-a-rocka is great. Snapple please keep this one!!

  • gary

    where can you find these flavors in Arizona.I have looked all around the area in Mesa,Az and can not find it anywhere.Help I need to try these flavors.I went on the snapple site and they never did answer me.Thanks for help

  • chris drexler

    I live in Thunder Bay Ontario Canada and iam having trouble finding it in stors , any buddy know where i can get it in canada with out having to order it from some food stor or jump the border to get it . Thanks

  • Lou Tucci

    Hello from the Lone Star State. We live in the North Dallas surburb, Frisco Texas. I was able to find a six-pack of Traparocker at TomThumb Food Store in Frisco ONE TIME. I snatched it up, tried it and LOVED IT! As a diabetic for ten years it was a great change from Crystal Light. However, since that ONE TIME I have not been able to find Traparocker anywhere.

    I have lookd at all the major food stores here in North Dallas, Kroger, Ton Thumb, Target, Walmart and also some local stores. NADA!

    Recently while visiting relatives in Ohio I tried the Kroger in Toledo, Ohio. Still no stock. I asked the Beverage Manager why it isn’t on the shelves and his response was that he continues to request it but never gets any allocated. It blows off the shelves there!

    I suspect that is the issue with this wonderful new product. It is such a success it blows off the shelf and we are all left with wanting and waiting.

    Snapple needs to step up and make more and ship it we can buy if and enjoy the drink while supporting the cause.

    As a diabetic it is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a product while supporting the efforts of the American Diabeties Asscociation.

    Get it done people!

    Nice job on the show and with creating Traparocker Bret!


  • Davina Miller

    I am also in Dallas. I was able to buy the Troparocka for about a month, and I have now been unable to locate it for about a month. Most beverage managers appear over whelmed by the number of available flavors, and do not understand why I am so picky.

    So plan B is to complain on Twitter as I hear that is the fastest why to get a response 🙂

  • Christine Eve

    I recently found Diet Trop-a-Rocka — it was perfectly packaged and shipped. I was very impressed. Just thought I’d pass this along. I was annoyed that I couldn’t find the drink either, but then I found it on here and was so excited.

  • Robin

    I don’t drink diet anything!!! I can honestly say there was no disgusting aftertaste with the diet Troparocka. I’d purchase again.

  • Tyler Matney

    The trop-a-rocka is very good. I found it at a local discount store “Gabriel Brothers” for get this…..$1.79 a 6 pack. Thats cheaper than you can get on. Of course I bought 23 cases:-)

  • Kimmy Ehrsam

    Found Trop a rocka at Local Big lots, and bought all 8 cases, it is so awesome, and I never liked tea at all, Thanks Bret, Very good stuff.

  • Dedicated server

    I ve looked and looked at all the stores in my area that supposedly carry it, according to the Snapple web-site. I am from Toronto, Canada where I have not seen the product, however, on my recent visit to Miami I got the drink from Target.

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