It’s great news that it looks like BP has finally capped the oil spill. But it’ll be years before we know the full measure of the damage that the last few months of constant gushing oil has done to the environment and the wildlife in the Gulf Coast area. And human nature being what it is, pretty soon everyone will forget about it. Don’t think so? Remember how everyone vowed that they would never forget the Nashville Floods? Or the Earthquake in Haiti? Or Hurricane Katrina? Or September 11, 2001? Certainly those who lives were torn apart by these events never forgot, but sadly for too many of us, out of sight means out of mind.
Seeing pictures of oil-soaked animals may tug at our heartstrings, but there are much more serious ramifications to those pictures than our emotional response. It will be years before we understand the full impact that this disaster has had on the ecosystem and wildlife. And when the newspapers and cable news stations stop showing us the pictures and go on to the next celebrity scandal of the day, there will be a handful of organization working tirelessly day and night to try to bring the devastated region back to some sense of normalcy.
The Pelican Pins
and Recycled Pelican Night Light
pictured above are great ways to always remember the devastated Gulf region. The Pelican Pins are handmade in New Orleans. The exquisite design includes Louisiana’s state bird, the pelican, carved of nickel, with a miniature brass fish and a bronze wing that’s made up of Louisiana’s Fleur-de-Lis. Proceeds to will go to help the National Wildlife Federation and The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, and just as importantly, your wearing it can help keep it in the forefront of peoples’ minds.
The nightlight was designed by husband and wife team Vawn and Mike Gray; 10% of proceeds will benefit Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research.
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