On the right of CharitableGiftGiving.com, you’ll see eBay auctions for mostly used stuff where a portion of proceeds will go to charity through eBay’s “Giving Works” program.
But did you know that eBay runs another site called World of Good? This is an incredible site that features brand new items crafted by artisans around the world. Your purchase on this site does two things: you get brand new, high quality goods, including handcrafted artwork, for an incredibly low price. But more importantly, every single item for sale on World of Good helps a worthy cause, whether it’s helping Artisans in developing areas, helping environmental causes, helping animal causes, or supporting non-profits.
You’ll find items on World of Good that are truly unique, not like the cookie-cutter mass-produced stuff you find in discount store and department stores. And if you’ve suddenly discovered that every single item in your house is made in China, you’ll be happy to know that items for sale here comes from diverse places like Bali, Thailand, and Kenya.
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