Whatever your view of the war in Iraq, there are two things that everyone can agree on. First, that there are those in the world whose sworn purpose is to put an end to America and the freedom and way of life we take for granted. And second, the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who defend us against them.
Products for Good produces a coin set with a very interesting history. The coins are brilliant uncirculated Iraqi Fils that Sadaam Hussein decommissioned in the 1990s. They were discovered by US and British coalition soldiers in 2003.
The soldiers came up with a pretty neat plan. While most Iraqi currency was being destroyed, they requested and were granted permission to sell these coins, with all proceeds going to rebuild an orphanage in Basra which had been destroyed during the Sadaam Hussein regime.
Products For Good eventually came into possession of these coins and decided to sell the coins in collectible shadowboxes, with 20% of proceeds going to help charities which support wounded soldiers and their families.
One other way this company “gives back” is that rather than using foreign labor to assemble the shadowboxes, it uses the Cleveland Vocational Industries, a facility which provides work opportunities for mentally and physically challenged individuals with barriers to entry into the traditional workforce.
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